-ac_name The name of your coin (ALL CAPS)
-ac_private All p2p transactions will be shielded
-ac_algo The proof of work algorithm used to mine blocks. RandomX uses the CPU. Equihash uses ASICs
-ac_supply The premine, denominated in coins
-ac_reward The reward for finding a block, denominated in satoshis (1 coin = 100000000 sats)
-ac_blocktime The time it will take to mine a block in seconds.
-ac_halving After how many blocks the block reward will be reduced by half.
-addnode Add trusted nodes to start syncing your chain from.
-gen=1 Enable mining for the node that will be running this command.
-ac_founders This parameter creates a "founder's reward." and requires -ac_perc. If the -ac_perc value is not declared, the -ac_founders value defaults to 35%. Also, either -ac_pubkey OR -ac_script must be set.
-ac_founders_reward This parameter functions in a manner that is similar to a combination of the ac_perc and ac_founders parameters. However, the value specified in the ac_founders_reward parameter is given in satoshis, as opposed to a percentage of the block reward. Also, the founder's reward does not accumulate over several blocks.
-ac_perc When used without -ac_founders the chain will follow an inflation-tax model in which the -ac_perc parameter is the percentage added to the block reward, and the transactions that allocate these rewards are sent to the -ac_pubkey address. For example, if -ac_reward=100000000 and -ac_perc=10000000, for each block mined the miner receives 100000000 satoshis (1 coin), and the owner of the -ac_pubkey address receives 10000000 satoshis (0.1 coin, which is 10% of the miner's reward)
-ac_pubkey Designate a public key address for recieving funds from the network such as a with devtax. This parameter must only be used if -ac_perc, -ac_founders, or -ac_import=PUBKEY is used.
-testnode=1 Use this for testing. Requires only a single node to start a chain.